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Data Enrichment: Fueling Growth for Small and Local Businesses

Leanne Strickler
Published September 26, 2023

Ever feel like your small business is struggling to gain traction because you can’t find new customers or the right partnerships? The problem may lie in your supplier and customer data. Incomplete, inaccurate, or outdated information about your customers and suppliers is simply bad for your business and can hinder potential growth.

When your data is robust, optimized, and synchronized, you gain visibility that generates new leads, wins new customers, and forges valuable alliances. Ensuring your customer and supplier data accuracy is a simple but powerful way for small and local businesses to accelerate growth in a competitive market. Are you ready to unlock the potential of your customer and supplier data with data enrichment? Success awaits.

data enrichment

Understanding your supplier and customer data can help fuel business growth.

Customer Data Management: The Key to Fueling Growth for Small and Local Businesses

Data enrichment is key to fueling growth for small and local businesses. By improving the accuracy of your customer and supplier data, you open doors to new opportunities.

Enriching Data on Potential and Current Customers

Most businesses utilize several tools to manage their client relationships. Tools like Hubspot, SalesForce, Pipedrive, and Monday help organize and enrich customer data, engagement, and more. Email marketing platforms like Constant Contact, ActiveCampaign, Brevo, Omnisend, and others help you communicate with your potential customers in engaging and relevant ways.

When you utilize tools like these to manage your potential customer databases, you can:

-Build targeted email lists to promote new products or services. Send messages only to businesses likely to be interested based on their business type or location.

-Expand social media advertising to new areas. Use enriched location data to reach companies in specific regions. Create ads tailored to their local communities.

-Improve direct mail campaign success. Mailers with personally relevant offers have a higher response rate. Enriched data provides the details to customize mailers for each recipient.

-Generate more qualified sales leads. Accurate data helps get your products and services in front of those businesses looking for them. When you have accurate data on potential clients, you can better spend your marketing dollars reaching them.

-Offer better customer service by keeping track of your client’s specific needs, preferences, and purchase history. Provide personalized support and recommendations to keep them coming back.

Leveraging enriched supplier and customer data is how to fuel sustainable success. What are you waiting for? Start enriching your data today!

data enrichment

Data quality issues are commonplace for most businesses regardless of size.

Common Data Quality Issues Facing Small and Local Businesses

As a small business owner, you live and die by the quality of your data. Unfortunately, nearly 8 in 10 businesses struggle with data quality issues that slow growth and impact the bottom line. Let’s look at some of the most common data quality problems facing small companies and how to overcome them.

For a more complete look at what characterizes good supplier data, take a look at this article.

Incomplete data

Missing or incomplete information about customers, vendors, or operations can hamper your ability to gain insights and make good business decisions. Do regular audits of critical datasets to look for empty fields, incomplete records, or missing information. Make a plan to fill the gaps through research, customer outreach, or process improvements.

Inaccurate data

Bad data is worse than no data at all. Incorrect info leads to poor analytics, flawed business intelligence, and unsatisfied customers. Put quality checks in place to verify data entry, conduct spot checks on records, and train employees on data standards. Consider using data validation tools that can check for inaccurate or out-of-range entries.

Irrelevant data

Collecting more data isn’t always better if you’re gathering data that doesn’t matter. Take time to evaluate which metrics and attributes are most meaningful to track for your business goals. Archive or delete unuseful data to avoid “data bloat” that makes important information harder to find.

Inconsistent data

Conflicting data across systems and departments can paint an incorrect business picture. Work to establish consistent data standards, formats, and definitions. Provide cross-training for teams that handle data entry or analysis. Integrate related data sources into a single system when possible to ensure the info stays in sync.

Identifying and addressing common data quality issues can transform small business data into a strategic asset. Clean, accurate, relevant data fuels growth, analytics, and intelligent decision-making. Make data quality a priority and you’ll be on the road to success.

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Supplier data enrichment can lead to new partnership opportunities.

Leveraging Enriched Supplier Data to Support Small and Local Businesses

Small and local businesses can gain insights into their suppliers and other companies they do business with through data enrichment. By collecting and analyzing in-depth data, businesses can discover new growth opportunities and build meaningful relationships.

Deeper Data, Deeper Insights

Enriching basic supplier information like names, addresses, and contact details with additional data points helps create a more well-rounded view of each supplier. Details such as the supplier’s product offerings, capabilities, certifications, shipping locations, and more enable small businesses to understand each supplier’s abilities. Analyzing enriched data across suppliers may also reveal gaps or inefficiencies in the supply chain.

Build Stronger Connections

With a broader range of supplier insights, small businesses can identify areas of common interest or specialization and forge closer partnerships. For example, if multiple suppliers share sustainable business practices or diverse ownership, a small business may want to develop a local sustainability or diversity initiative in partnership with those suppliers. Strong, mutually beneficial supplier relationships built on shared values or priorities often lead to long-term success.

New Growth Opportunities

Enriched data provides context that sparks new ideas. By analyzing supplier data trends over time or comparing across regions, small businesses may discover emerging market opportunities or demand for new products and services. Local businesses can also use enriched data to identify suppliers that may be well-suited to help expand into new locations or adjacent market segments. Growth opportunities are in the data—we just have to open our eyes to see them.

Leveraging data enrichment strategies generates actionable insights that drive growth for small and local businesses. While data collection requires investment, the potential benefits to profitability and community relationships make it worthwhile for long-term success. Enriched data paves the way for small businesses to thrive.


data enrichment

There are several strategies for enriching your customer and supplier data.

Strategies for Enriching Supplier and Customer Data

There are several strategies for data enrichment that can fuel the growth of your small and local business.

Web scraping

Web scraping involves extracting large amounts of data from websites to enhance your supplier and customer records. You can scrape contact details, product info, reviews, and more from suppliers’ websites, social media pages, and industry websites. This helps ensure you have the most up-to-date and comprehensive data on each supplier and customer.

Data appending

Data appending combines your existing data with high-quality third-party data sources. Data appending gathers information from data brokers, supplier websites, business registries, and social networks. By merging multiple data sources, you gain more details on each customer or supplier to support targeted outreach and partnerships.

Data categorization

Categorizing data allows for improved organization and analysis. You can group suppliers and customers by location, products/services, certifications, business size, and other attributes. Categorization enables focused search and discovery, so you can quickly find suppliers that meet your specific needs and criteria. It also allows for segmentation, so you can tailor communications and offers to different groups.

These enrichment strategies will give you a robust, multifaceted view of your suppliers and customers. With a broader range of categorized details, you can gain insights into your customer and supplier bases and forge new partnerships that drive business growth. Most importantly, enriched data supports a personalized approach, allowing you to connect with suppliers and customers in a way that resonates and provides value.


So there you have it. By enriching your supplier and customer data, you’re setting your business up for success and growth. Clean, accurate data means improved operations, better customer service, and new opportunities to expand into new markets.

It may seem like a small step, but maintaining high-quality data can dramatically impact your bottom line and help take your company to the next level. While it requires an initial investment of time and resources, the rewards of increased efficiency, new customers, and improved decision-making are worth the effort.

So roll up your sleeves and get to work scrubbing that data – your small business will thank you for it!

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