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Best ESG Reporting Software in 2024

Leanne Strickler
Published June 29, 2024
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Staying ahead of sustainability and governance challenges can feel like navigating a complex maze.

The intricacies of Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) reporting—collecting accurate data, maintaining compliance, and ensuring transparency—can overwhelm even the most seasoned professionals. These challenges can consume valuable resources and hinder your company’s ability to implement sustainable practices effectively.

But what if there was a clearer path to mastering ESG reporting? In this article, we’ll explore the top ESG reporting software for 2024, designed to streamline your processes, enhance data accuracy, and improve stakeholder communication.

Let’s help you choose a tool that not only simplifies reporting but also elevates your business’s sustainability commitments.

Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) Reporting Software 

ESG reporting is a process that involves collecting, analyzing, and communicating information related to sustainability metrics. The data provided through ESG reports helps businesses disclose data concerning their environmental, social, and governance initiatives, enabling stakeholders to assess a company’s ethical impact and sustainability commitments effectively.

Managing this type of data manually can be quite difficult due to:

  • Scattered data sources; 
  • Inconsistent reporting formats;
  • A lack of standardization. 

This makes it difficult to track progress and can result in reporting errors, consuming valuable time and resources. That’s why many businesses use ESG reporting software to help them streamline these processes. These invaluable tools offer several features, such as:

  • Automated collection and management of ESG data from various sources, ensuring accuracy and centralization.
  • Analytical tools that provide in-depth insights for trend analysis, benchmarking, and identifying improvement areas.
  • Reporting tools that simplify the creation of stakeholder reports and allow businesses to maintain compliance with global standards.
  • A collaborative environment with interactive dashboards and efficient ESG report sharing to encourage stakeholder engagement.

Best ESG Reporting Software in 2024

We know how overwhelming ESG reporting can be—that’s why we’ve scouted the market to bring you five of the most effective ESG reporting software solutions that are not just robust but also designed to simplify these challenges.

1. SupplierGateway

SupplierGateway is one of the most comprehensive ESG data management tools on the market today, geared specifically towards enhancing transparency and efficiency across your supply chain. In partnership with SupplyShift, a leading provider of sustainability solutions, SupplierGateway offers a robust sustainability software solution that helps companies evaluate and mitigate risks across their supply chain.

A key feature of this supply chain sustainability software is the Supplier ESG Assessment which covers a wide range of relevant risk and sustainability topics, providing a holistic view of a supplier’s ESG policies and practices. But it doesn’t just stop there; this ESG platform also tackles GHG Leadership and Reporting, DEI, and Human Rights Compliance Assessment, giving you all the tools you need to manage ESG reporting comprehensively.

Key Features

Point-in-Time Data Capture: Monitor, compare, and assess ESG data across the supply chain on an annual basis.

Diversity Tracking: Monitor and track diversity spend within the supply chain.

Customizable Reporting Tools: Generate tailored reports that align with specific ESG standards and regulatory requirements.

Supplier Onboarding and Offboarding: Enable efficient supplier onboarding and offboarding processes across the entire enterprise using a single portal and platform.


  • Comprehensive sustainability data management solution.
  • Access to ESG data for the entire supply chain from a single point of entry.
  • Streamlined supplier onboarding process.
  • Customizable assessments and reporting capabilities.
  • Robust ESG data collection and analytics capabilities.

To see how SupplierGateway can transform your ESG reporting, consider taking a self-guided tour or booking a demo.

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Not quite ready to talk to someone but want to see what SupplierGateway platform have to offer? Click on the product you’re interested in learning about and get an interactive walkthrough.

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SupplierGateway offers a tiered pricing structure suitable for businesses of all sizes. Contact their sales team for a personalized quote based on your requirements, such as the number of suppliers, assessments, and additional features.

2. Greenly

Greenly is a comprehensive carbon management platform that aims to simplify the carbon accounting process and make it accessible to businesses of all sizes. The software offers tools that make it easier to measure, understand, and reduce carbon emissions. 

With a user-friendly interface and a focus on simplicity, Greenly delivers an automated solution to help organizations calculate their carbon footprint across all three scopes (Scope 1, 2, and 3) as defined by the Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Protocol.

Key Features

  • Automated Carbon Accounting: Advanced algorithms automatically track and calculate your organization’s carbon footprint from various sources.
  • Actionable Insights: Receive tailored recommendations on how to reduce emissions and improve sustainability performance based on robust data analysis.
  • Transparent Reporting: Generate clear, concise, and compliant reports on your sustainability efforts that stakeholders can easily understand and trust.


  • Designed with the end-user in mind, ensuring that the complex data involved in ESG reporting is manageable.
  • Personalized recommendations for carbon reduction strategies.
  • Guided support from climate experts throughout the process of implementing carbon reduction initiatives.
  • Transparent and certified carbon offset projects.


Greenly offers a range of pricing plans, from starter to enterprise, designed to accommodate businesses of all sizes. Details on the exact pricing are provided directly to interested parties to ensure the best fit for their specific needs. Contact their sales team for a personalized quote.

3. Onspring

Onspring is known for its flexibility and efficiency in the ESG reporting space, offering a cloud-based solution that is both powerful and user-friendly. The platform is also designed to centralize and connect various GRC aspects, including risk management, compliance management, internal audits, vendor risk management, and business continuity planning.

What sets Onspring apart is its no-code platform, which allows businesses of any technical skill level to customize processes and workflows to their specific needs. This adaptability is particularly beneficial for dynamic companies that require agility in their ESG reporting practices.

Key Features

  • Dynamic Dashboards: Create and modify real-time dashboards to monitor ESG metrics, providing immediate insights and driving actionable decisions.
  • Automated Workflows: Automate multi-path or single-path data collection, reporting processes, and notifications to increase efficiency and reduce human error.
  • No-Code Customization: Drag-and-drop configurations make it easy for non-technical users to create new applications, records, workflows, and reports.


  • Send automated notifications via email, SMS, and Slack.
  • Role-based command centers to deliver performance insights and communicate activities.
  • Measure real-time risk posture by calculating compliance violation values from multiple data records.
  • Ability to handle the increasing data demands of growing businesses.


Onspring offers a variety of pricing plans, each designed to provide flexibility and scalability to businesses at different stages of growth. More detailed information about pricing is available directly through their sales team.


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4. Wdesk

Wdesk, developed by Workiva, stands out in the ESG reporting software market with its robust data integration and real-time collaboration features. It serves as a centralized hub where teams can gather information from various sources, link data together, and leverage built-in workflow features to keep projects on track.

Wdesk enables companies to streamline complex reporting processes by providing a platform where data collection, document creation, and compliance activities converge seamlessly. Its standout feature is the ability to maintain data integrity across multiple report types and versions, which is crucial for accurate ESG reporting.

Key Features

  • Integrated Data Management: Centralize data from various sources to maintain accuracy and consistency across all reports.
  • Real-Time Collaboration: Allows multiple users to work simultaneously on the same document with changes tracked and synchronized in real time.
  • Version Control: Manage document versions effectively to ensure all team members are working with the most up-to-date information.


  • A centralized platform where teams can collaborate regardless of location.
  • Changes made to source data are instantly updated across all related documents.
  • Provides full history and audit trails, showing who changed what and when, increasing accountability and transparency throughout the reporting process.


The platform provides customized pricing based on the specific features and services a business requires, ensuring that companies only pay for what they need. To learn more, reach out to a member of their team.

5. EcoVadis

EcoVadis is a global provider of business sustainability ratings, intelligence and collaborative performance improvement tools for global supply chains. It’s renowned for its comprehensive methodology that assesses a company’s sustainability management systems across multiple criteria, making it a favorite among businesses looking to enhance their global sustainability credentials. 

EcoVadis’ platform helps organizations manage ESG risk and compliance, meet corporate sustainability goals, and drive positive impact at scale. 

Key Features

  • Sustainability Ratings: Provides detailed ratings that assess a company’s environmental, labor & human rights, ethics, and sustainable procurement impacts.
  • Benchmarking Tools: Allows companies to compare their performance against industry standards and competitors to identify areas for improvement.
  • Supply Chain Monitoring: Offers robust tools for tracking and improving the sustainability performance of suppliers worldwide.


  • Collaborative tools to engage suppliers, develop corrective action plans and drive continuous improvement.
  • Detailed benchmarking and intelligence to identify risks and opportunities.
  • Flexible and scalable to meet the needs of companies of any size in any industry.


EcoVadis offers flexible pricing plans based on the number of suppliers to be assessed and the specific features required. Contact a member of their team for a personalized quote tailored to your organization’s needs.


While each of these platforms brings its own strengths to the table, SupplierGateway truly shines when you’re after a comprehensive ESG solution. It simplifies the complexities of ESG management and boosts supplier engagement and compliance with ease. Think of it as your all-in-one tool for fostering sustainable and ethical operations across your supply chain.

Find Out More

Curious to see how it can streamline your processes? Why not book a demo with SupplierGateway and discover the impact it can have on your sustainability efforts firsthand?