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How to Invite Suppliers to Report their Tier 2 Spend

Supplier Onboarding in Real Estate

Discover best practices for onboarding vendors and suppliers within the real estate sector.

Enhanced Digital Certification Walkthrough

Learn about SupplierGateway’s small/diverse business certification, Enhanced Digital Certification. Find out if you’re eligible to apply, and what you need for your application.

SupplierGATEWAY QuickConnect App

Learn how SupplierGATEWAY’s QuickConnect App makes it easy for you to connect with suppliers during conferences.

From Onboarding to Offboarding: Supplier Lifecycle Management Best Practices

Risk management might start with properly onboarding your suppliers, but that’s not where it ends.

Join us and learn best practices for supplier onboarding, offboarding, and lifecycle management. Find out how SupplierGATEWAY’s onboarding and risk management tools can help you effectively reduce risk and cut costs.

Five Tips for B2B Client Retention

Acquiring a new customer is always an exciting milestone for businesses. However, it’s important not to overlook the value of existing customers in the pursuit of new ones. Neglecting customer retention can be a costly mistake. 

Research has shown that providing an excellent customer experience is a competitive advantage that can drive sales and lead to referrals. In fact, a study conducted by The New York Times found that 65 percent of companies’ new business comes from referrals. Here are some eye-opening customer retention statistics:

To improve customer retention, it’s important to track and analyze the Customer Retention Rate (CRR). CRR measures the percentage of customers who continue doing business with you over a given period. The formula to calculate CRR is ((E-N)/S) x 100, where E is the number of customers at the end of the period, N is the number of new customers acquired, and S is the number of customers at the start of the period. 

The goal is to keep the CRR as high as possible. According to Omniconvert, for most industries, “the average eight-week retention is below 20 percent. For products in the media or finance industry, an eight-week retention rate of over 25 percent is considered elite. For the SaaS and e-commerce industries, over 35 percent retention is considered elite.”

To combat the loss of B2B customers and keep them satisfied, it’s important to implement a solid customer retention strategy. Here are some effective strategies:


About SupplierGATEWAY

At SupplierGATEWAY, we provide a robust platform that connects suppliers with business opportunities of all sizes. Our user-friendly app helps you stay connected to potential customers, from Fortune 500 companies to local businesses. Get started today for free and discover the opportunities that can make a difference to your bottom line

Why Supplier Onboarding Is Critical to Healthcare Risk Exposure

So you run a healthcare organization and want to reduce risk? One of the most important things you can do is get serious about managing your suppliers and onboarding new vendors properly. If you don’t have a solid supplier onboarding process, you’re leaving yourself wide open to compliance issues, data breaches, and damaged patient trust.

Your organization relies on suppliers and vendors for everything from medical devices and pharmaceuticals to IT infrastructure, billing, and staffing services. If any one of those relationships goes south, you could face major headaches. Not to mention the fact that more suppliers mean more hands in the pot stirring around your patients’ private data. 

The good news is by implementing a comprehensive supplier onboarding program with strong data security controls, you can avoid these kinds of risks and sleep better at night knowing your organization and patients’ well-being are in good hands. Keep reading to find out how to build a world-class supplier onboarding process tailored for healthcare. The steps may take time and resources, but the payoff will be huge.

The Importance of Supplier Onboarding and Data Management in Healthcare

As a healthcare provider, you know that managing your suppliers and their data is crucial to reducing risk exposure and improving operational efficiency. Supplier onboarding and data management should be a top priority.

In healthcare, strong supplier relationships and data management are essential. Make onboarding and optimizing your suppliers a priority so you can reduce costs, improve care, and boost patient goodwill. Your organization and those you serve will benefit from it.

How Supplier Onboarding in Healthcare Reduces Risk Exposure

Proper vendor onboarding is essential to reducing risk exposure for any healthcare organization. When you bring on a new supplier, you also bring their data, systems, and potential vulnerabilities into your ecosystem. Conducting comprehensive due diligence during onboarding helps ensure you know exactly what risks that new partner may pose.

As you evaluate potential suppliers, make security and privacy considerations a top priority. Request details about their data management policies, security protocols, and compliance standards. Ask about any previous breaches. Reviewing this information can reveal shortcomings that could put your organization at risk.

Once you’ve selected a vendor, work with them to determine essential security controls and an onboarding plan. Clearly outline your security requirements, risk management expectations, and compliance responsibilities. Provide training to ensure they understand critical regulations like HIPAA. Require suppliers to provide updated documentation about their data and security policies annually.

With efficient onboarding, you build the foundation for a trusting partnership. But you also gain visibility into new risks and can collaborate to address them proactively. Comprehensive evaluations, open communication, and ongoing oversight are essential. When you invest in fully understanding new suppliers and their risk profiles, you can feel confident you aren’t taking on more risk than you bargained for. Your patients, providers, and bottom line will thank you for it.

Key Steps to Implementing a Supplier Onboarding Program

Establish a Supplier Onboarding Process

The first critical step is designing a standardized process for evaluating and approving new suppliers before they can provide goods or services. This process should include:

Set Clear Supplier Expectations

You’ll need to establish explicit requirements and controls for suppliers in a supplier contract or code of conduct. These should include:

Create a Supplier Portal

A secure portal gives suppliers a centralized place to register, provide the required information, and stay up-to-date on the latest requirements or policies. Benefits of a portal include:

Best Practices for Healthcare Supplier Data Management

Once you’ve identified how you’ll leverage automation and a central data repository, it’s time to put best practices in place for managing your healthcare supplier data. These steps will help reduce risk exposure by ensuring you have accurate, up-to-date information.

Standardize Data Collection

The data you collect from suppliers should be standardized to improve interoperability. Work with suppliers to determine what data is essential, like contact info, services provided, certifications, etc. Then create forms to capture this data in a consistent format.

Perform Regular Reviews

Conduct reviews of supplier data at least annually to verify all information is still correct. Check that contacts, addresses, licenses or certifications haven’t changed. It’s also a good time to ensure you have data for all active suppliers. Reviews help avoid issues like sending requests to old contacts who are no longer with the organization.

Maintain Accurate Records

Once data has been collected and reviewed, be diligent in keeping records up to date. Save any communications with suppliers as records of interactions, as well as notes on any data changes provided. These records ensure you have an audit trail in case of any issues or disputes in the future. They also give you quick access to supplier details without having to contact them for basic information.

Provide Supplier Access

Giving suppliers access to their own data records lets them review and make any needed corrections or updates on their own. This saves time and improves data accuracy since the suppliers can instantly see if any information is out of date or incorrect. With the proper controls and permissions in place, supplier access is a win-win.

By following these best practices for healthcare supplier data management, you’ll gain better visibility and control over this information to help reduce risk exposure in your organization. The time invested in developing standardized processes and keeping data current is well worth the effort.

Using Technology to Streamline Supplier Onboarding and Data Management

Automate and streamline supplier onboarding

Onboarding new suppliers manually is time-consuming and resource-intensive. Supplier onboarding software can automate much of the process, reducing the time it takes to onboard a new vendor from weeks to just days. These automated solutions guide suppliers through self-service portals to input their information and documents. Built-in intelligence can then review and validate the data, flagging any issues for you to review.

Simplify supplier data management

Managing supplier data—like contracts, insurance certificates, and compliance documents—is an ongoing challenge. Supplier onboarding solutions centralize all this information in one place, making it easy to stay on top of renewals and keep data up to date. Role-based access allows different teams to access the specific supplier information they need.

Foster collaboration through networks

Some supplier onboarding software incorporates business networks that connect healthcare organizations and suppliers. These networks, like Graphite Connect, facilitate ongoing communication and collaboration. Suppliers can get answers to questions, access resources, and build relationships. For buyers, networks provide a quick way to poll suppliers, share updates, and evaluate suppliers. Integrating a network can reduce the time to onboard by up to 70%.

Gain visibility into risk exposure

Robust reporting and analytics give you visibility into potential risk exposure across your supplier network. You can easily see which suppliers have expired or missing insurance certificates, non-compliant contracts, or other issues that could put your organization at risk. Some solutions even provide risk scoring for each supplier to help you prioritize follow-up and make more informed sourcing decisions.

By leveraging technology solutions for supplier onboarding and data management, you can reduce the effort required, minimize risk, and build better relationships with trading partners. While the initial investment may seem costly, the long-term gains in efficiency, compliance, and risk mitigation make the business case for this software quite compelling.


Supplier onboarding in healthcare and data management are critical tools for reducing risk in healthcare. By thoroughly vetting suppliers, clearly defining data requirements and handling procedures, and closely monitoring supplier performance and compliance, healthcare organizations can gain far greater control and oversight. This allows them to identify issues early and make corrections to avoid costly mistakes, fines, or damage to their reputation. While it requires an investment of time and resources, the potential savings and benefits to patient care make it well worth the effort. Managing healthcare risk exposure is challenging enough without adding uncontrolled variables into the mix. Supplier onboarding helps ensure that any outside partners share your priorities of high quality, compliance, and risk mitigation. With the stakes so high, it’s an effort that simply can’t be overlooked.

When you’re ready to streamline your supplier onboarding and data management, get in touch and see how SupplierGATEWAY can help.

Healthcare Strategic Sourcing: The Case for a System-Wide Approach

As the head of procurement for your healthcare system, cutting costs and increasing efficiency are two things that are always on your to-do list. Your job is a balancing act – reducing expenses while still ensuring high-quality patient care. Using a system-wide strategic sourcing approach is one buying approach that could dramatically reduce costs and increase efficiency for your organization. Rather than each hospital campus operating independently, think about leveraging the combined buying power of your entire system.

When you source strategically at a system level, you open up opportunities to negotiate better pricing through increased volume and gain more control over product selection. You can also reduce administrative costs by centralizing and streamlining many sourcing and purchasing functions. The key is having visibility into what each campus is buying and finding where there are opportunities to consolidate. It may require an upfront investment in tools and resources, but the long-term payoff could be huge.

Does a system-wide strategic sourcing model make sense for your healthcare organization? For many, the answer is yes. Keep reading to learn how to system-wide strategic sourcing can transform your procurement function.

The Benefits of a System-Wide Strategic Sourcing Approach in Healthcare

Managing spend across a healthcare system with multiple locations is often quite challenging. When you take a system-wide strategic sourcing approach, your procurement team can gain more insight into spend, control maverick spending, reduce costs through improved contracting, and free up money for patient care.

By centralizing sourcing decisions at the system level, you can leverage your combined purchasing power to get better prices from suppliers. You’ll also gain visibility into total spend on categories across all hospitals and clinics, allowing you to spot areas of overspending and make data-driven decisions.

A coordinated sourcing strategy allows you to standardize product usage throughout your healthcare system. This standardization helps minimize the number of SKUs to manage and leads to lower prices through volume discounts and reduced administrative costs. It also ensures the quality and consistency of products used for patient care system-wide.

Developing system-wide relationships with preferred suppliers provides opportunities for partnership and innovation. Suppliers are more willing to collaborate on custom solutions and pilot new technologies when there is a long-term, high-volume commitment. This collaboration benefits both parties and improves the quality of patient care and patient outcomes. 

While a system-level approach requires upfront investment and change management, the long-term rewards of cost savings, quality improvement, and clinician satisfaction make it worthwhile. By implementing centralized sourcing policies and negotiating from a place of greater strength, you’ll gain control of spend and free up funds to enhance patient experience across your healthcare system. The benefits of a centralized procurement model far outweigh the challenges of implementation. With strategic system-wide sourcing, you can transform procurement into a strategic function that fuels clinical and operational excellence.

Aligning Key Stakeholders Across Your Healthcare Network

To successfully source strategically across a healthcare system, you need buy-in from key stakeholders at each facility. That means aligning executives, physicians, nurses, department heads, and others around the benefits of an enterprise-wide approach.

First, bring leadership together to establish shared goals. Explain how consolidating purchasing power can lower supply costs, free up the budget for new services, and strengthen the system’s financial position. Get their input on priorities and concerns. Address these issues to build support.

Next, meet with lead physicians and nurses to understand their needs and preferences. Work with them to find the products and suppliers that balance quality, service, and value successfully. Frontline perspective from lead physicians and nurses is invaluable for choosing supplies that improve patient outcomes, experiences, and safety.

Department heads are also crucial allies. Meet regularly to review budgets, track savings, create efficiencies, and ensure critical materials and equipment are readily available. Provide data and reports to demonstrate any progress or system improvements.

Finally, communicate early and often with staff at all levels. Explain the benefits of an enterprise approach in a way that resonates with their day-to-day reality. Highlight ways it will make their jobs easier or give them more resources to do their work. Answer questions openly and honestly. With the backing of leadership and clinicians combined with transparency for staff, you’ll gain the widespread support needed for strategic sourcing success across the healthcare system.

Conducting a Comprehensive Spend Analysis

To effectively apply strategic sourcing to a healthcare system, you must understand where your money is going. This means conducting a comprehensive spend analysis across all your facilities.

Gather Data from Each Campus

Work with department heads from each facility in your network to collect purchasing data. Ask for reports showing what products and services they’ve bought over the past 1-2 years, including details like:

Look for Spending Patterns

Once you have the data from each location, look for spending patterns across your system. For example, you may find that multiple hospitals have contracts with the same medical supply company or staffing agency. Or specific clinics may be paying higher prices for the same lab equipment. Identifying these patterns will show where you have opportunities to bundle volume for lower pricing.

Analyze Total Costs

Add up what your organization spends in major cost centers like medical supplies, pharmaceuticals, facilities, IT, and staffing. Calculate the total current cost for each category and your overall annual spend. This overview will help set savings targets and determine where to focus your sourcing efforts.

Share Insights Across the System

Conducting a comprehensive spend analysis is a critical first step to optimizing purchasing for your healthcare system. You’ll uncover ways to save money system-wide by collecting data from each facility and analyzing costs and spending patterns. 

Share the results of your spend analysis with leadership and department heads at each campus. Review the pricing, volume, and total cost insights you found. Discuss opportunities to consolidate purchases across locations for the best overall value. By aligning stakeholders around spend reduction goals, you’ll gain support for implementing a system-wide strategic sourcing program.

Developing System-Level Specifications and Standards

Healthcare systems must develop and enforce system-wide product specifications and standards to achieve maximum cost savings and operational efficiency. This means gathering stakeholders from across your facilities to determine which products and services should be standard for the whole system.

Identify Common Purchases

Items frequently purchased in high volumes, such as surgical gloves, IV bags, linens, and syringes, are prime candidates for standardization. Get input from doctors, nurses, and department heads on their product preferences and requirements.

Evaluate Options

Review the different products and vendors that could meet your needs. Consider things like quality, price, availability, and service. You want to find options that will work well for all facilities and provide the best overall value. Expect to compromise to find a solution that satisfies everyone.

Choose System Standards

Select a single vendor and product for each item you want to standardize. These will become your system-wide standards that all facilities are required to purchase. Exceptions can be made in some cases based on unique needs, but the goal should be to have as much system-wide consistency as possible.

Enforce Compliance

Ensure system standards are followed by implementing policies and controls. This can be done by revising purchase order approval processes, setting limits on non-standard purchases, monitoring invoices and spending reports, and training purchasing staff and end users. Compliance is key to achieving the full benefits of your standardization efforts.

Developing and implementing system-level standards is challenging, but the rewards are substantial. By consolidating your healthcare system’s spending power, you gain significant leverage with suppliers to lower costs and improve service. Operational efficiencies also result from the consistency and familiarity of standardized products across all your locations. The key is getting buy-in from stakeholders and strict enforcement of the standards you establish. With time and practice, system-wide strategic sourcing can become second nature.

FAQs About Implementing Strategic Sourcing in Healthcare

Will strategic sourcing save my healthcare system money?

Absolutely. Strategic sourcing is shown to reduce costs by 5-15% on average for healthcare organizations, but some systems have achieved up to 36% cost savings. By leveraging your system’s combined purchasing power, you can negotiate better pricing and terms with suppliers. You’ll also gain visibility into what each facility pays for the same items, allowing you to standardize at the best price.

How much time does it take to implement strategic sourcing?

The time required depends on the breadth and complexity of the categories you want to source. Rolling out a comprehensive strategic sourcing program for a multi-facility system may take 12-18 months. However, you can achieve quick wins in 3-6 months by starting with a few high-spend, non-clinical categories like office supplies, food, linens, and facility services. Focus on the “low-hanging fruit” before moving on to clinical categories.

Do we have to switch to single-source contracts?

No. Single sourcing is not required for strategic sourcing. Consolidating suppliers can maximize savings, don’t rely on one sole vendor. Multi-sourcing, dual-sourcing, and regional sourcing are great options that help create competition, ensure supply continuity, and support local businesses. The key is combining volume across the system to negotiate the best deal, regardless of the number of suppliers.

How can we get physician and staff buy-in?

Engaging stakeholders early and often is key. Communicate the what, why, and how of your strategic sourcing initiative. Highlight the benefits like cost savings, improved patient experience, and less time spent on procurement tasks. Seek input on categories and suppliers to source, and address any concerns. Once contracts are in place, provide training and guidance on using new supplies or services. By demonstrating the value to physicians and staff upfront, you’ll gain their support and cooperation.

What technology do we need?

Most healthcare systems find that a procurement and supply chain platform is needed for system-wide strategic sourcing. Look for a solution that provides spend analysis, sourcing, contract management, and supplier management functionality. SupplierGATEWAY’s all-in-one Enterprise Supplier Management Platform integrates with your ERP for a single source of truth for purchasing data across the system. E-procurement, inventory management, and analytics tools can also help drive the adoption of strategic sourcing contracts system-wide.


While it may seem daunting, the potential benefits of switching your buying strategy to strategic sourcing system-wide are huge. Start by focusing on a few categories of spend that are common across your locations to build momentum and gain buy-in. Once you have a few wins under your belt, use the savings and process improvements to make the case for expanding to additional areas. With the right tools and partners in place to support data-driven analysis, cross-campus collaboration, and supplier relationship management, you’ll be well on your way to unlocking major value through your sourcing efforts. The patients you serve and your CFO will thank you for it. Time to get started!

SupplierGateway Partners with E&I Cooperative Purchasing to Expand Supplier Diversity in Education

SupplierGateway Partners with E&I Cooperative Purchasing to Expand Supplier Diversity in Education

SupplierGateway, a leading supplier data management company and a certified minority business enterprise, today announced a partnership with E&I Cooperative Purchasing (E&I) to offer SupplierGateway’s market-leading supplier diversity technology platform to E&I’s over 6,000 members. This competitively solicited contract will give E&I member institutions, with over $2.8B in spending through E&I contracts, the tools they need to meet and exceed their supplier diversity goals.

SupplierGateway offers E&I’s member K-12 schools, colleges, universities, and organizations a supplier diversity platform with simple and affordable pricing, a database with millions of suppliers, unlimited seat licenses, and unlimited data enrichment. 

“We are thrilled to partner with E&I to bring our supplier diversity technology solutions to more organizations within the education community,” said Ade Solaru, CEO of SupplierGateway. “Together, we will make it easier for E&I members to build impactful supplier diversity programs, create opportunities for diverse businesses, and drive economic growth in their communities.” 

E&I members that take advantage of this partnership will be able to automate supplier diversity data enrichment, identify qualified diverse suppliers that match member purchasing needs, track and report diverse spend, measure economic impact in their impact area, and strengthen relationships with local and diverse suppliers.

“E&I is committed to supporting our members’ supplier diversity goals through contracts with organizations like SupplierGateway,” said Titus Martin, Executive Director of Supplier Diversity at E&I. “SupplierGateway’s solutions will allow our members to strengthen their programs, build a more diverse and inclusive supply chain, and drive greater economic impact in their communities. We are excited to offer their innovative platform to our members.”

Explore how SupplierGateway’s Supplier Diversity Platform can transform your organization’s supplier diversity initiatives here and request your demo here.

Learn more about E&I Cooperative Services and become a member here

About SupplierGateway: 

SupplierGateway provides supplier diversity, onboarding, and offboarding software solutions to help organizations develop and optimize their supplier relationships. Their supplier diversity solutions identify qualified diverse suppliers, track and report diverse spend, and economic impact, and help strengthen diverse supplier information with Enhanced Digital Certification®. 

About E&I Cooperative Purchasing:

E&I Cooperative Purchasing (E&I) is a member-owned, not-for-profit purchasing cooperative focused exclusively on serving education and related facilities. E&I delivers expertise, solutions, and services to more than 6000 members representing $31 billion in purchasing power nationwide. Through the collective power of its membership, E&I negotiates contracts with suppliers to achieve the best possible pricing and terms. Learn more at

June 2023 System Updates

Tier-2 Reporting Improvements

Tier-2 reporting is now faster and easier! We now automatically handle Prime suppliers that haven’t been set up to report Tier-2 spend. You’ll see a new console that shows you which Prime suppliers haven’t been set up properly, allowing you to adjust the supplier relationship in your system quickly. These enhancements help ensure that your Prime supplier Tier-2 reports are submitted on time. 


Automated and Personalized Onboarding Experience

We’ve improved and expanded controls for customizing supplier onboarding experiences. This means there are additional customization options available to platform clients to ensure that suppliers only see the documentation that pertains to their specific industry, service, category, or any other criteria determined by the platform client.  


We’ve also simplified the onboarding configuration process, creating a faster, more consistent, comprehensive, and compliant onboarding process for you and your suppliers.


Supplier Data Discovery & Diversity Enrichment Enhancements

Supplier data enrichment processing is now faster for supplier records that have a business/tax ID number included in the upload record. To take advantage of this speed increase, ensure supplier records include business/tax ID numbers. 


Supplier records that do not have associated business/tax ID  numbers will be processed using a new supplier data match engine. Spend and performance data will be available to view while our match automation process searches for and corrects possible matches after initial data uploads.


Workflow Tool

The Workflow Tool now loads faster.


Vetting Console Alerts

This update adds an in-line alert to the vetting console so users are notified when vetting requests are ready for review. The vetting console is used for ad-hoc vetting requests for suppliers and can include TIN/EIN verification, sanctions checks, EPLS checks, PEP inquiries, and document requests.


Customizable Registration Navigation

You can now customize your registration navigation background, font color, and font hover color, as well as incomplete/complete icons. This creates a more seamless user experience that better reflects your company’s brand aesthetic.