Globalization has brought significant benefits to businesses but also difficulties in sharpening their competitive advantages. Across all...
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Supplier Diversity Glossary of Terms (A to Z)
by SupplierGateway | Jan 15, 2021 | Corporate Social Responsibility, Supplier Diversity
The Glossary of Terms provides you with a comprehensive listing of current supplier diversity terms along with their descriptions. Whether you’re a student, a professor, or...
Supplier Diversity Programs: Definition and Debunking Common Myths
by SupplierGateway | Dec 2, 2020 | Corporate Social Responsibility, Supplier Diversity
Supplier Diversity is a proactive business strategy that ensures access to a diverse range of suppliers in the procurement of goods and services. To qualify as a diverse...
The New Normal: The Perfect Time to Start Your Sustainability Program
by SupplierGateway | Nov 3, 2020 | Corporate Social Responsibility, Sustainability
The coronavirus pandemic has accelerated the digitalization trend. It has forcefully pushed companies over the technology line and is predicted to transform the way business...
Diversity Data Enrichment for your Supplier Diversity Program
by SupplierGateway | Oct 8, 2020 | Corporate Social Responsibility
The modern supply chain increases the importance of supplier diversity in every business. More and more organizations have committed to creating and maintaining diverse...
Does your supply chain process serve your organization’s local mission?
by SupplierGateway | Feb 12, 2020 | Corporate Social Responsibility, Education
Thinking Globally, Acting Locally A well-integrated supply chain links a firm to vendors everywhere, allowing people to immediately see the least-expensive suppliers, the...