SupplierGateway is always excited to welcome new clients to the network. We are excited that Versar has joined the SupplierGateway platform to...
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SupplierGateway Agile Supplier Onboarding App Platform Launches on AWS Marketplace
by SupplierGateway | Apr 9, 2020 | Press Releases, Supplier Onboarding
We are excited to announce the expanded launch of our new Agile Supplier Onboarding platform via the AWS Marketplace. SupplierGateway is an Amazon Web Services Cloud-based...
FHLB Des Moines Launches Online Bidding Platform For Suppliers
by SupplierGateway | Apr 8, 2020 | DEI, Press Releases, Supplier Diversity
Online Bidding Platform Lists Open Contracting Opportunities Earlier this month, the Federal Home Loan Bank of Des Moines (FHLB Des Moines or the Bank) expanded its Supplier...