Terms and Policies

The following terms and policies govern your use of SupplierGateway.

SupplierGateway maintains a Business Continuity Plan in accordance with our ISO 27001 and SOC II Type 2 compliance obligations.

Terms and Conditions of Use

Applies to your SupplierGateway subscription, how you can use your subscription, and our obligations to one another as a service provider and client.

Data Processing Addendum

What we do with your data, how it’s processed, and any third parties that are involved. Most INFOSEC and ISO information can be found here.

Privacy Policy

What Personal Data we collect, why we collect it, how we use it, who we share it with, and what choices we offer to access, update, & remove personal data.

Service Level Agreement

This document explains system availability, maintenance, and how we handle help desk and technical support.

Application Descriptions

This document explains all of the applications available from SupplierGateway and what they do.
